Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New blog, new ideas

New blog, new life. I wish it was true, while in fact, I’m still the same. One thing is for sure: I’m no longer “afraid of the white screen“. Yeah, that panic “how do I start to write? Or draw?” Today I no longer have that fear. Something always comes out. And in the middle of this stuff there’s always something good, I guess. I feel that I’m more inspired and anxious, with good sensations, willing to conquer the world. There are so many things inside my head… Ah, if I don’t get the attitude soon, the attitude to show it all, I’ll be condemned to have heartburn for the rest of my life, or maybe ulcer, who knows? Relax Zica, hold on, attitude is coming…

1 comment:

  1. Adoroooooo mto vc!!!!!!
    Vc é minha diva.....
    Me identifico mto com vc, simplismente parece minha vida retratada nesse desenho.

    Beijinhos sabor moranguinho.

    Aninha Intergalactic Friend
